New Cell Therapy Could Be ‘Universally Transplanted’

New Stem Cells Therapy Could Be Universally Transplanted

Autism is a disorder that harms the neural development in the child. This disorder is characterized by frequent mood alterations, sensory issues, social deficits, impaired social interactions, stereotyped or repetitive behaviours, etc. These symptoms surface within the first two years of childhood due to the inability of the nerve cells to connect and organize. Stem cell therapy is a new age treatment option for patients with autism.

Apart from the above mentioned disabilities, there are several aspects of concern that require immediate attention:

  • Immunity
  • Metabolism
  • Communication ability
  • Cognitive delays

Improvement in the child can be reached by the restoration of the dead or impaired neuron connections and also with the formation of the new neuron connections. This can speed up the brain reactions through improved of synaptic transmission. Stem cells, with their differentiating property, can multiply and develop into new neurons. The new healthy neurons can develop new neuron connections that can help in restoring their underdeveloped skills.


Stem cell therapy is a perfect method for treating autism based on the unique potential of stem cells. The cells can influence metabolism, restore damaged cells & tissues and also strengthen the immune system of the patients. Stem cell therapy can improve the functions of all important body organs and tissue including the brain. Autism in patients disturbs the areas of the brain that regulates the memory, speech, attention and concentration. With stem cell treatment, there is an improvement in the oxygenated blood flow to the brain and also the formation of the new veins. The treated stem cells, when infused in the brain, acquire the properties of surrounding host cells and also multiply simultaneously. This results in the restoration of the cell count which consequently results in the subsidence of neurologic symptoms and an improvement in the patient’s intellectual capacity.
The mesenchymal stem cells, derived from the patient’s bone marrow, improve their immune system and also terminate inflammation.

The following improvements in patients with autism are observed after stem cell therapy:

  • Better tolerance with different types of food along with improved digestion
  • Easier and frequent eye contact when talking with people. Children who were not able to fix their gaze on the objects or followed their movement could do so after treatment
  • More acceptable behaviour at home and outside towards people
  • Gradual adaptation towards a bright light, loud noises and strangers and bright colours
  • Improved verbal skills. If the child with autism child had a non-verbal trait, then after stem cell therapy he/she is likely to start making sounds, speak in syllables, pronounce words in the right mannerism and also develop a bigger vocabulary
  • Improvement in the writing skills of the patients
  • An enhancement in his/her self-care skills
  • Improved cognition, concentration and attention span

According to the team of researchers and neurologists, the stem cells are universally transplantable. Dr. Alok Sharma is a leading name in the area of Neuroscience and Research. Under his guidance, NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute has patients in more than 65 countries and more than 8123 successful therapies to their credit. To date, his team has not just used stem cells to refurbish the dead tissue but has given their patients renewed skills without the complications of surgery.

Stem cell therapy is a safer and more effective solution to treat patients with autism and other neurological disorders.