The Prospective NeuroGen Therapy works on The Tell-Tale Signs of Autism

By December 28, 2016 Autism No Comments

Think again if you believe that your little girl is just another shy kid. She might be dealing with the challenges of autism spectrum disorder. According to studies, 1% of the global population is suffering from autism and most of them have aligned their life to the lifelong developmental disability.

Autism has become the fastest growing developmental disability; therefore as much as possible, support and care should be given to the child. The chances of timely autism treatment depend on early intervention of the disorder.

The widely misunderstood neurological disorder shows its symptoms during the first three years of life. Thereby, it should be diagnosed earlier for a better treatment and a quality life.

Early Signs that your child needs autism treatment

1. A child tends to turn his attention towards the person who calls his name. But, if your infant is not reacting to his own name and still able to react to certain noises, like the TV, washer, cars or doorbell, then it’s not a hearing problem. Lack of eye contact shows some form of autism spectrum disorder.

2. A wide variety of learning disabilities is associated with autism. Such as your child will not look at the direction you are pointing your finger towards. Moreover, he won’t be able to imitate your facial expressions, clapping, and other simple gestures.

3. Usually, when you smile your child smiles. But, autistic children are emotionally unresponsive to others and don’t react when someone is crying or smiling in front of them.

How effective is Stem Cell Therapy?

Autism is a complex neuro-developmental disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. The regenerative therapy of stem cells is effective for children showing signs of autism.

There are 3 pointers for the image:  Effectiveness of Stem Cell Therapy in Autism

Experts at NeuroGen get to the core of the neuropathology of autism to successfully complete the stem cell therapy. Once the procedure is completed the rigorous sessions of therapies take place, where experts work on behavioral and educational approaches to help patients with speedy recovery.

Over 430 cases of Autism treatment illustrated that the NeuroGen approach of care and support is effective in

1. Functional enhancements

2. Brain metabolism improvements

3. Reduction of aggressive behavior

4. Improved eye contact, speech, and social interaction

A large group of neurosurgeons and physicians are engaged in treating the patients with stem cell therapy. The multi-faceted approach towards autism treatment depicts that 91% of the patients are showing overall improvement on the scale of Clinical Global Impression II (CGI-II), which eventually proves that patients and their families are finding new hope.