Stem Cell Treatment Is A Promising Way Of Increasing Independence In Patients With Autism

By November 22, 2018 Autism No Comments
Stem Cell Treatment

Autism is a developmental disorder which adversely affects social interaction, and is characterised by poorly developed verbal or nonverbal communication and restricted and repetitive behaviour. Genetic factors can play an important role in affecting the normal development of the brain in children within the first three years. Parents and caretakers are the first to detect the symptoms of Autism in kids and should seek immediate remedial help.

Symptoms of Autism can start as early as 12 or 18 months in children. Symptom spotting by parents or caretakers is vital because the sooner a paediatrician or therapist intervenes; the better it is for the child. Spotting any one or several of the following symptoms may be a red flag for Autism.

  • Poor eye contact
  • Unresponsive to one’s own name
  • Sensitivity towards high pitched sound or bright light
  • Repetitive gestures or phrases
  • Shy and does not socialize with other kids
  • Lack of interest

Autism treatment in India with stem cells emphasizes behavioural and medical approaches. Behavioural therapies usually include activities that encourage social interaction, enhanced communication, self-awareness and speech development. Medical interventions usually involve specific treatment that can bring about positive changes in the lives of patients with Autism. Stem cells are the raw materials derived from the human body that have the potential to generate specialized functions. Under the right conditions, stem cells divide to multiply into more cells called the daughter cells.

Various sources of Stem Cells are:

  • Adult Stem Cells: These cells are found in adult tissues, such as the bone marrow or fat. Like embryonic cells, they have the ability to give rise to various cells of the body.
  • Embryonic Stem Cells: These cells are derived from embryos that are five days old. Known as pluripotent stem cells, they can divide into more stem cells to regenerate and repair unhealthy tissue and organs. 
  • Umbilical Cord Cells: These cells are obtained from the umbilical cord at the time of birth and preserved in cryogenic substance for usage later on in life, as required. These cells can be used to treat hematological conditions and disorders.
  • Perinatal stem cells: These cells are derived from the Amniotic fluid sac that protects a developing foetus in the uterus. They are taken from pregnant women through a process called amniocentesis. A test is conducted to check for possible abnormalities.

The entire treatment for Autism with stem cells consists of four steps:

  • Extraction of cells from sources like bone marrow and Adipose tissue
  • Separation, analysis, concentration and treatment of the cells in laboratories
  • Stem cells implanting
  • Post stem cell therapy care

Stem cell therapy is a regenerative medicine where the cells grow to develop into new tissue or any specialized cells and are ideally free of genetic defects. Healthy cells can be preserved or frozen for implantations.

Parents must approach neurorehabilitative hospitals and clinics, like NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute in Mumbai, for the right guidance. Hospitals like NeuroGen BSI offer services of highly specialized neurologists, neurosurgeons, physiatrists, nurses and laboratory attendants who work together for neural regeneration and improved brain plasticity. The core team of the clinic provides suitable counselling of patients before approving about the possibilities of stem cell therapy for them. Autism treatment in India with stem cells is the safest non-surgical treatment that provides an opportunity for patients to enjoy enhanced social life.