A Basic Guide To Autism & Stem Cell Treatment For Treating it

By June 14, 2017 Autism No Comments

Autism is a spectrum condition that affects the interactive, perceptive, and psychological behavior of people. It is basically a brain-based disorder and is characterized by impaired social interaction and poor developmental language and reduced communication skills alongside rigid and rhythmic behaviors.

Basic Guide To Autism & Stem Cell Treatment

The disease often kicks off during childhood and goes lifelong. In medical terms, Autism impacts the nervous system of the brain and affects the overall emotional, physical, social, and cognitive ability of a person. As statistics show, 1 in 100 individuals in the UK is living with autism.

Basic Guide To Autism & Stem Cell Treatment

Symptoms of Autism

The symptoms of autism can vary from person to person on the basis of severity.

However, the most common and early symptoms of Autism include:

1. Delayed language skills and verbal expressions.

2. Flat and mechanical voice or singsong voice.

3. Echolalia or repeating the same action or phrase again and again.

4. Problems with pronouns.

5. Unrecognizable to sarcasm or joking.

6. Move constantly.

7. Sensitive to light, sound, and touch.

8. Impaired communication and interaction skill.

9. Avoid eye contact.

10. Isolation

11. Overly active, uncooperative, or resistant

Treatments for Autism

There are a number of treatments for autism. However, the one which has gained immense popularity due to its versatile application and effectiveness is Autism stem cell treatment. Treatment of Autism with Stem Cell Therapy is a new and effective method that depends on the stem cells’ ability to impact immune system and metabolism in the body. NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute is one of the best hospitals that excel in offering Autism stem cell treatment for patients with autism.

The experts at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute employ the adult stem cells for treating autism and source these cells from bone marrow of the patient. Veteran doctors at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, use adult stem cells procured from the bone marrow of the patient. These cells help repair the affected neural tissues at structural and molecular level. They aid in regulating cell differentiation and tissue and organ repair.

The specialists at NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute have effectively treated more than 600 cases of Autism from across the world. NGBSI has proved to be one of the world’s best healthcare organizations for autism treatment using stem cells. Apart from Autism, NGBSI also outshines for its effective stem cell treatments for a broad range of neurological disorders like muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, stroke and much more.