Treating Neurological Disorders With Cell Therapy

By January 14, 2020 Cell Therapy No Comments
Stem Cell Therapy

Every child is born with unique abilities. Some are born perfectly healthy (both mentally and physically) while others are born with neuromuscular and neurodegenerative disorders. Cell therapy is a treatment option to manage these serious/non-serious life-threatening disorders using autologous stem cells found in bone marrow tissue.

Degenerative disorders of the skeletal-muscular tissue arise from wear and tear of bone, muscle fibre or any other tissue due to genetic disorders. While the various neurological disorders arise from brain damage, at birth or after birth, due to genetic or environmental reasons. These disorders have a slow onset, but once contracted they can be pain-staking and lifelong. These disorders can be categorized as autism, muscular dystrophy, dementia, intellectual disabilities, spinal cord injury, etc. Common degenerative disorders are diabetes, osteoarthritis, stroke, chronic renal failure, congestive cardiac failure, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc.

Rehabilitation therapies such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, alone for these disorders are not effective. However, in collaboration with cell therapy, they have shown promising results in patients. The treatment procedure takes less time, is safe, and the results are far better than ineffective conventional therapies.

Cell therapy, using stem cells from bone marrow, is the best way to treat several life-threatening diseases.

Why Involve Stem Cells For Treatment?

For treating neurological and muscular disorders, autologous stem cells have the potential to grow into new cells (self-renewal) and differentiate into specialized cells of the host tissue such as brain cells, muscle cells, and bone cells. No other cells (in the body) can grow new cell types. These stem cells remain free of genetic defects (found in patients) and continue to replace the damaged cells with healthy ones.

Post Cell Treatment

Specific and common benefits expected after autologous cell treatment are:

  • As the patient’s own stem cells are used for infusion, they offer rejection free benefits
  • There is a reduction in sensory processing issues, improved motor skills, and better cognitive skills
  • Decrease in emotional, reduced mood swings, depression, and tantrums
  • Improved communication and social interaction
  • Improvement in normal reflexes and functionalities
  • Better concentration

Patients treated by cell therapy have reported control over their sudden mood swings, change in behavioral issues, better communication and a willingness to participate in social events.

Cell Therapy in India

There has been a rapid demand for cell therapy in India’s Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute. This center is the foremost cell treatment provider for patients not only from India but from all corners of the world. The renowned neurosurgeons and staff believe that one day the expensive, painful and ineffective conventional therapy would be replaced by cell therapy for treating severe and chronic ailments.