Cell Therapy: A Hope for Autism

By March 31, 2020 Uncategorized No Comments
Cell Therapy for Autism

Autism spectrum disorder is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder that includes a spectrum of disorders. These disorders harm the ability to communicate or interact with others in a child. It also includes loss of interest to socialize and the involvement of restricted or repetitive behaviours. All these drawbacks cause impairment in social, occupational and functionality. While there is no complete cure for autism, early detection and on-time cell treatment for autism can change the lives of many individuals.

Termed as a ‘spectrum’ of disorder, autism symptoms vary in severity. According to neurologists, treatment with cell therapy or autism shows promise in treating the symptoms of autism. NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute in Mumbai have successfully treated over 1839 patients of autism. It offers cell therapy for autism in India to not only Indians but to people from other countries.

 The Healing Properties Of Stem Cells

Cell therapy is a bone marrow-derived stem cell transplant recommended for treating autism and other neuromuscular disorders. These mesenchymal stem cells can be isolated from bone marrow that fills the bones. These cells have the ability of differentiation or the capability to adapt to the property of any cell type. In treating the symptoms of autism, these stem cells play an important role in tissue regeneration. They promote the restoration of damaged brain tissues by secreting trophic factors and differentiate into numerous cells to replace dead or lost cells. They also prevent or down-regulate inflammation by secreting paracrine factors. Being autologous, the potential risk of immunological rejection is minimal.

The mesenchymal stem cells have the ability to migrate to the injured brain site. Here they differentiate into astrocytes (glial cells) and neurons to repair the damaged brain tissue, thus improving or restoring the lost functions of the brain. Post autism treatment with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, significant improvement was noticed in a few months.


Cell therapy for autism is provided after a thorough diagnosis. For treatment, the neurosurgeons first aspirate the required amount of marrow tissue from the hip bone of the patients under strict-sterile conditions. The procedure is carried out in the operating theatre under general anesthesia. The stem cells from the tissue are separated in the well-equipped laboratory of the hospital using the density gradient centrifugation method.

The cells are subjected to microbiologic and microscopic testing to ensure safety. The derived healthy stem cells are injected intrathecally into the spinal area of the patients under sedation. Improvement in neurological functioning is observed in patients within a few months, post-treatment.

Cell treatment helps in recovering neurological function in children with autism. It also enhances cognitive skills and learning ability while reducing neuronal destruction.

Treatment Center

NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute is the best autism treatment centres in India that treat patients with bone marrow-derived stem cells. Their patients have shown remarkable improvements, proving that stem cells provide hope for individuals with autism. Post cell therapy, patients are also recommended rehabilitation therapies including occupational therapy, speech therapy, and art-based therapy to improve behaviour patterns such as hyperactivity, stereotypical or repetitive mannerisms. The main goal of cell therapy for autism in India’s NeuroGen BSI is to help patients enjoy a secured life.